Monday, 13 January 2014

How to put Favicon in Blogger ?

by Peter  |  in Tutorials at  1/13/2014

Favicon abbreviated as Favorite icon, that dynamically represent your website beautifully. The Fav-icon builds to add some iconic quietly on the blog. It appears on the top of the BROWSER, or above the URL Address bar, or before the Title of The Web page located on the top in tabs of Web Browser. You can easily find icon easily in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Now, We are talking about How to add favicon in blogger. It is in fact, a major point which has to be appeared on the blogger blogs, Hasn't it ? :P

Let us move towards the topic.

Important THINGS to be remember ! 

To place the favicon, you have to remember these points
  • Now, The size of the favicon should be small, 16 X 16 would be perfect!
  • The Icon should exist .ico extension, Otherwise it would be denied.
Where to find icon? Here is the screenshot, which will easily proceed you on the constant path!

How to Add Favicon ?

  • Open the Blogger Dashboard
  • Go to Layout
  • Go the Favicon inside the Layout.
  • Choose Favicon icon
  • Upload It!
That's all! Your favicon would be appeared on your blog.

Some Free Extra Guide

  • Create your Icon as small as possible.
  • Try to write one or two Alphabets ICON on your blog's name.
For instance: Mizopedia, so it would be MP.


Now, It's your Turn
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