Saturday, 11 January 2014

CPU-Z on Android: Get full information of your Android

by Unknown  |  in reviews at  1/11/2014

Want to get full information about your android device? There is a free app i.e CPU-Z which does the task well. After getting popularity on PC/Windows now this free app is on android which gives a lot information about your android.

This app include information about:
• SoC ( System On Chip ), CPU architecture, name, speed and etc.
• System Information: Hardware, Display, Manufacture, Software and much more related to System.
• Battery Information, Health, Temperature and etc.
• Sensors: Gravity, Proximity, Light sensor, Temp and all others.

This app requires android version 2.2 and above versions.
The best thing is that this is a freeware app you can redistribute it :)

Some Screenshots (from my mobile):

SOC displaying the tree structure view or interface of the app, 
The interface showing the capable options of the Android Device, which are as follows
  • CPU ARCHITECTURE (used to identify the CPU name)
  • Cores (Processor quantity)
  • Revision
  • Clock Speed (The speed of the displaying clock on the right-top of the screenshot)
  • Core 0 (Core 0 displaying the speed of processor)
  • CPU Load  (Load taken currently by the CPU)
  • GPU Vendor ( Graphics processing unit designer)
  • GPU Renderer (GPU installer)
System, displaying the information, which as follows:
The main options selected from the system tab are only three:
  • Model (which type of android mobile do you have ?)
  • Manufacture (Company)
  • Board (MotherBoard)

Screenshots Gallery: (Maximize the Screenshot to watch clearly)


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